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Senin, 16 Juli 2012


Dual System of Education Final Report
Office of Licensing and Investment District Boyolali

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                                                   Compiled by:

 (           ) XII AK 2

   Youth Education and Sports Services
     Vocational Schools 1 Boyolali
Street Perintis Kemerdekaan Boyolali


       Gratitude authors pray that Allah SWT has bestowed his grace and guidance, so the writers can complete a final report on the dual system of education. Sholawat and greetings may always devoted to the seal of the prophets, the prophet Muhammad SAW and his family, friends and the believers who followed him until the end of time.
      With the completion of this report the authors thank the people who have helped to resolve this.
1.   Mr. Drs. Sugiyatno as head of secondary vocational schools that have allowed us to implement a dual system of education activities in order to deepen knowledge directly in the working world domination
2.   Teachers as mentors who have guided and directed us with sincerity and patience so that this report can be resolved.
3.   Mr/Mrs mentors who have guided and directed us with sincerity and patience so that we can implement this dual system of education activities as well.
4.   All the parties can not mention one by one author.

      The author realized in the preparation of this report are still many shortcomings because of the limitations of our knowledge, for it is constructive criticism and suggestions from readers would be very useful for authors in the completion report. The author expects this report may be useful for society in general and students in particular.

Boyolali, 20 August 2011



                                                  CHAPTER 1

A. Background
     Dual System of Education background is a form of education and vocational skills training that combines in a systematic and synchronous with education in schools and programs that mastery of skills acquired through working directly in the working world.
B. Purpose
     Dual System of Education (PSG) aims to:
1. Preparing learners in order to work, either independently or fill a job that is in the World of Business / Industry as a middle level manpower in accordance with the field programs / skills / competencies that are of interest.
2. Equip learners agafr able to choose a career, tenacious, and persistent in a competent and able to develop a professional attitude in the field of expertise yan interest.
3. equip students with science and technology to be able to develop themselves through a higher level.
4. Improving the organization and management of schools refers to the demands of quality standards.
5. Increase excellent service to the community.
6. Improving school performance akutabilitas.
7. Improving school climate conducive
8. Improving the quality of school control.
9. Improving the quality of human resources schools.

                                          CHAPTER II

A. Understanding OSS / Office of Licensing.
     With the implementation of One Stop Service (OSS) or often referred to as One Stop Services Licensing service is a pattern of licensing in order to realize the service prima.Dalam order menumbuhkankembangkan business / businesses in the area at once menarikminat investors, Pemerntah Boyolali district tried to create a climate conducive to growing the business and the optimal investment to ease licensing through Service One Stop Service. The existence of the Office of Licensing and Investment (KPPM) Boyolali district by applying the pattern of the One Stop Service (OSS) is intended to eliminate the levies that result in high costs with the advanced service that is easy, fast, transparent and certain. Sebalum investors carrying out investment activities they need to complete the letters persetujusn and licensing. Selected business sectors need to be adjusted to the Indonesian government's decision to regulate business fields closed and open for investment.

B. Type of Licensing Services
     This type of licensing service that can be made include:
1. IMB
2. HO / ITU
3. Business License
4. TDP
5. TDG
8. RMU

C. Period of Completion
Type of Licensing
Period of Completion
Location Permit
IMB (Building Permit)
30 Days
ITU / HO (Permit Place of Business / Disturbance Permit)
5-15 Days
Business License (Business License Trade)
5 Days
SIUI (Permit Industrial Business)
7 Days
TDP (Company Registration)
5 Days
TDG (Registration Warehouse)
5 Days
Permit Restaurant
7 Days
Permit Hotel
7 Days
RMU (Rice Mill Unit)
7 Days
Swallow  Business License / Sriti
30 Days
Recommendations SIPD (Regional Mining Permit)

D. Requirement
     Terms - conditions that are needed in the manufacture of consent among others:
1. IMB
a. Amber building plans.
b. Copy of certificate or certificate of HM the status of land from the authorities.
c. Statement of no objection letter from a neighbor for building places of worship,     
    multilevel and buildings for businesses.
d. Building places of worship include the permission of MORA.
e. Copy of land use designation permits for applicants who were ukum Agency.
f. Copy of ID card applicant.
2. HO / ITU
a. FC ID is still valid;
b. Deed of establishment for companies with legal entity;
c. FC certificate / status of the land being applied for;
d. Black and white passport photo 3 x 4 (2 lbr);
e. Plan the business location;
f.  Penumuman from the mayor about the business plan;
g. Approval of neighbors adjacent to the location requested;
h. Recommendations from the Office / Technical Agency, if necessary (such as UKL     
    / UPL).
3. Business License
a. FC ID cards still come into force
b. Deed for the company with legal status, and ratified by the competent authority.
c. License from the pimp. For the TNI, police and civil servants
d. FC ITU / HO and TIN
e. Company Balance Sheet
f. Uk color photographs 4 x 6 (2 lbr)
g. SIU attach to yan Genuine reform,  changes and replacement.
4. TDP
a. FC Certificate of Incorporation which has been legalized by the authorities yan;
b. FC approval as a legal entity or a certificate from the notary;
c. FC deed changes, if any;
d. List of Board & Shareholder Structure;
e. FC KTP applicant;
f.  FC Business License / equivalent;
g. Company Balance Sheet;
h. Melamprkan original TDP for applicants who make changes and re-registration
5. TDG
a. FC Business License or license from any other technical agencies;
b. FC Owner / undertaking;
c. FC Warehouse Usage Agreement for the hire / use of warehouse party;
d. FC IMB Warehouse.
a. FC Business Owners / Management / Responsible
b. FC HO
e. FC Location Permit
f. FC Articles of the Company / changes to the berBH
g. Ability to fulfill the provisions of Statement
h. Company Balance Sheet
j. Photographs in color 4 x 6 (2 lbr).
a. Applying for a permit Regents through the device by enclosing the area:
b. Proposals / action plans
c. Photocopy of TIN / NPWPD
d. Statement of ability to compensate
e. For investors in the domestic / foreign investors malampirkan yan official approval
f. For residential development Real Estate attach REI membership.
8. RMU
a. Applying to Regent
b. FC Permits ganguan / HO
c. Pas Photo 4 x 6 color
d. SK Permit rice milling rice huller & Penyosohan (
     For renewal of license)
a. Letter from the applicant in the know Kadesh / intervening & Head
b. A brief description of Business plan
c. Figure the business location
a. FC Disturbance Permit / HO
b. Certificate of the applicant is known by the village head / intervening
c. Brief descriptions of activities planned
d. Picture Location Place of Business.
a. FC ID cards for individuals or a copy of the deed which was approved by the
   competent authority for the corporation.
b. FC Letter of individual business license (original)
c. FC Permit Place of Business (ITU) / Disturbance Permit (HO) or Certificate of no  
    objection from the Head of Village / Kelurahan.
E. Mechanism Service
     The following mechanism permits the manufacture of the Office of Licensing and Investment:
1. information
In this case the information given to the question - a question from the applicant regarding licensing issues.
2. Withdrawal Application Form
Taking out the registration form after the officer informed about the activities of business to be established by the applicant.
3. registration
Registration can be done if the registration form that has been given to the applicant has completed and the necessary conditions have also been equipped yan and bermateraikan Rp 6,000, -. Furthermore, the mengagenda data from the applicant and the applicant will be creating a receipt that the application form has been received by the Office of Licensing and Investment and can be processed.
4. verification
Verification is dividing - milahan registration form based on the permits submitted by the applicant and will be distributed to the section that handles such licenses to be processed.
5. inspection Locations
Examination Locations / Cheque Location beginning with
a. Making Invitations Check Location:
Invitations are made based on the application and sent to the parties - the parties involved in the implementation of the check that location.
b. Implementation Checks Location:
Things - things to do in check locations include:
1.) Going to the applicant's business location
2.) Conduct checks for the truth of the business
3.) To measure the area of
4.) Examine the impact that may result from these efforts
5.) Decide whether the company is entitled to receive a business license or not
6.) Determination of Retribution.
6. Making SK
    SK (decree) can be made after:
a. SK typed based on documents obtained from the applicant and the location of the check result.
b. After SK typed and validated by the Office of Licensing and Head of Investment Boyolali district.
c. Pengagendaan SK SK and numbering.
d. Penyampulan SK.
7. decision-SK
Taking SK (decree) can diambilan:
a. After the manufacturing process has been completed then the SK SK can be issued / issued by KPPM.
b. SK can be taken by the applicant as well as pay a levy has been determined.
F. Retribution
Under the Act - Act No. 28 Year 2009 on Regional Taxes and Levies for this type of permit SIUP, TDP, TDG, SIUI, PERMIT LOCATION, RMU, HOTEL, HOUSE DINING / EATING SHOP and THE USE OF SWALLOW'S BIRD NESTS commencing January 1, 2011 do not charge fees (free) . As for type of permit IMB, HO charge retribution with tetribusi Setting Selling:
1. IMB
Retribution IMB = 3% x the use of services
a. Administrative Costs
- Rp. 15.000, - (building houses)
- Rp. 30.000, - (Building public / store)
- Rp. 50.000, - (Building trade / investment)
b. Nameplate
- Rp. 15.000, - (building houses)
- Rp. 30.000, - (Building public / store)
- Rp. 50.000, - (Building trade / investment)
c. Building Inspection
- 10% x retribution IMB
2. HO
Disturbance permit
New = R: T x LTU x IG
Re = R: 2T x LTU x IG
Extent: 1 - 1000 m2 tariff of Rp. 2000, -
Area: 1000 - 2000 m2 tariff of Rp. 1750, -
Area: 2000 - 3000 m2 tariff of Rp. 1,500, -
Area of
​​> 3000 m 2 tariff of Rp. 1250, -

                                                         CHAPTER III

A. Conclusion
     The conclusion that we can take in this report is that the Office of Licensing and Investment District. Boyolali a government office that specializes in the manufacture of business licensing services, among others: SIUP, TDP, TDG, SIUI, PERMIT LOCATION, RMU, HOTEL, HOUSE DINING / EATING SHOP, THE USE OF SWALLOW'S BIRD NESTS, IMB, HO, and ITU. Under the Act - Act No. 28 of 2009 on regional taxes and levies for the type of license: SIUP, TDP, TDG, SIUI, PERMIT LOCATION, RMU, HOTEL, HOUSE DINING / EATING SHOP, THE USE OF SWALLOW'S BIRD NESTS commencing January 1, 2011 does not charge fees (it's free ).
B. Suggestion
     Our advice in this report especially for the Boyolali to immediately take care of business license either already doing business or who would start a business.
Our advice for teachers that we hope that Mr / Ms teacher can provide additional knowledge and insights to us for the perfection of the final report of this dual system of education.
    Our advice for mentors to guide participants as well as the dual system of education aimed to better perfect time to come.
    Our advice for students who will perform a dual system of education in order to do better.
    Our advice to the reader that in this report there are still things - things that may not have been dimengeti by the reader, the reader can find from other sources of information more complete and easily understood.


          Office of Licensing and Investment District. Potential and Investment Opportunities Boyolali.2008.Profil Kab. Boyolali. Boyolali. CV.
         Office of Licensing and Investment District. Potential and Investment Opportunities Boyolali.2011.Profil Kab. Boyolali. Boyolali. CV.

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